Ellery is growing and doing so well! Last Friday, I took her to the doctor for what turned out to be just a cold, but we got some stats on her. She weighed 15 lbs. 12 oz. and is 25 3/4 inches long.
As far as activity these days, her newest and biggest 3 things are crawling backwards, waving (which is absolutely adorable), and some clapping! Crawling backwards is not adequate to describe all of her movements, though. She has been crawling in circles for about a month, but now it is at lightning speed! She can almost crawl forwards - it's like she knows what to do but just can't quite get her left knee up. So, after she tries for a while she stops and goes back to kicking like she's swimming. Oh yeah, she can flip over like a crocodile! We have to be really quick at diaper changing and clothes changing time. The waving is definitely my favorite! It is so obvious what she is doing, and the best part is how she smiles when she realizes her accomplishment! She loves that she is able to communicate with us! Sometimes, we really think she is saying, "hi" or "hey!" She always makes a sound like this when someone is entering the room, and she is usually waving. Is it possible? Anyway, we are having a blast with her!
She can grab anything so quickly - it keeps us on our toes! Ellery has incredible fine motor skills! I love to watch her moving objects with her fingers!
Ellery's hair just keeps changing. It has gone from a little puff at the back of her head to almost a fauxhawk. As her hair grows, the spot keeps getting taller! Today, her hair was taller than Kramer's!
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