We seem to be witnessing lots of growing up around our house these days. For a while, as any parent knows, you can see small steps of a child getting older. But then, there are those huge leaps that happen occasionally. That's where we are with Kiran. About two weeks ago, I was helping wash Kiran's hands in the bathroom and accidentally rubbed a boo boo on his hand. I said, "Oh no, let Mommy kiss it." His response was, "That won't work!" I asked, "What will work?" in a sort of desperate voice. Then, he broke my heart. "Medicine, I guess." He didn't really break my heart; just left me with mixed emotions of wow, how cool and oh man, this is going way too quickly.
Kiran is getting very independent with words and decisions! He is amazing with new reasoning skills everyday! He asks lots of questions. He has asked a lot about Lois lately - where she is, how she got there. We are learning and growing with him.
He still loves Mommy and Daddy, but sometimes he's not so into hugging anymore. However, the exchange for this one is too sweet. When we're not even expecting it, Kiran will come over and ask for a hug and kiss and say, "I love you." He still likes sucking his thumb and holding Mommy's hair just for a moment at night.
We decided last night to end napping unless we've had an unusually tiring few days or if Kiran is sick. If Kiran takes a nap these days, he is up 2 hours past bedtime, asking for drinks, asking to go potty, asking for one more tuck, or telling us he sees cars going by. After a month or so of this, it's time to let go of that nap even if it seems he's tired in the day. Instead, we started a rest time. Here he is today during rest time. I put 2 of Ma's pillows side by side, added a Cookie Monster blue sheet from Amanda and Kurt, let him pick blankets, and added a puppy, some books and soft music. He really seemed to like it and followed the rules of staying on his mat well, at least for day one!
We had a fun day today! Kiran was supposed to go to school (Parent's Day Out), but the county school system was closed due to illness. So, we came back home. Kiran was disappointed. He really looks forward to school now - another big sign of growing up! So, we did a couple of extra fun activities. We "raced" all of his cars through the kitchen to see which was the fastest! It was fun and interesting. We were a little surprised by the winner. This activity kept Ellery entertained, too! Kiran thought it was a blast!
Then later, we went to the park down the street and called some friends to meet us. It was super fun! We took Kiran's football from Uncle Keri, and there was a basketball already there. He is really into playing ball now and using gross motor skills! He is all over the playground equipment. He and his friends went up and down one of the slides probably 20 times! The best part was when we got home. Jeff was already home, and Kiran exclaimed as he took off his coat, "Daddy, we went to the park. We had a lot of fun! I went on the slides, . . . " He gave a whole narrative with no prompting. We loved it!
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