Plan to leave house at 10:00 for shopping and returns.
Kiran has a rough morning.
Kiran falls down 4 stairs at our house! (He was fine, but of course it freaked him and me out.)
Ellery is happy.
Finally leave home around 11:30.
Already time for lunch when we arrive in Knoxville.
I had told Kiran we could go to Chick-fil-a.
We went. He did such a great job eating. He had fun playing. Then he had a meltdown in the bathroom.
We got in the car at around 1:15. I decided it was naptime. I drove. (Sometimes, unfortunately, we have to do this if we are in Knoxville around naptime. ) But, I did run 2 errands - went to the post office and to Goodwill. Managed to do this with both kids sleeping. Stopped and parked. Talked on the phone to Sal and someone else.
Headed back toward the shopping area. A car in front of me pulls over into the turning lane. All seems fine, then suddenly, they stop half-way! I looked very briefly and swerved. Not the best choice, of course. I didn't hit anyone, but scared a poor family to death, I'm sure. They were in the lane next to me and barely missed me. Yikes! So sorry to that family out there.
Drove to Sonic when I knew it would be okay for the kids to wake up.
Both kids woke up around 3:00. Yea! A Good Nap!
Drove to Wal-Mart. Had told Kiran he could pick out a gift in Walmart (He and Ellery had gift cards from Christmas.)
Go to get both kids out of the car.
Know in the back of my mind Ellery will be hungry soon, but this will be a quick purchase, so we'll hurry and I'll feed her before Target.
Oh no, Ellery has had a huge blowout! Everything is a mess! Oh, all will be well, thank goodness for my newly organized system in my bag! Go to change her. Look for her change of clothes in Ellery's red pouch in my handy dandy organized bag. Discover a handy dandy organized bag only works if you restock the clothes in baby's pouch. Hence, no change of clothes. Oh well, we're at Walmart! We'll buy new clothes. Put baby in seat of Walmart shopping cart dirty! Shame on me!!! Tell Kiran he must be very nice through this process. He agrees. Go toward back of store to find baby clothes. Not much luck, but a cute onesie and some jeans will do. Ask attendant for a closer bathroom than front of store. Oh good, there's one in the back. Get to bathroom. But, oh yeah, I need to pay for the clothes. The electronics department will do. Okay, we're on our way to the family bathroom. Wait several minutes for bathroom. Okay, here we go. Pull down changing table and lay Ellery down. Discover the mess is bigger than imagined - from midback to left big toe. Start cleaning process. Somehow, new jeans get a touch of mess on them. Oh well, wipe it off! Still working. Someone starts banging on the door frantically and I hear a male voice and he is talking to what sounds like a young boy. I say "Someone's in here." He doesn't seem to hear. Then, I hear gagging sounds. He keeps banging! I am still in the middle of a huge mess! "Someone's in here!!!" Okay, I think they left. Whew. Poor kid, hope he made it to the bathroom across the hall. Finally, a clean . . . AND HUNGRY child! We are outside the bathroom now, and I have to make a decision. Go out to the car and feed Ellery and start this whole process over. No way!!! But, we have some shopping to do, and though it is against my usual ways, I decide I can shop for everything at Wal-Mart and avoid going to 2 stores if I go ahead and feed Ellery. I see lots of nice chairs outside the restroom and decide this is as good a place as any. Kiran is being an angel, and I think he understand we've had some challenging circumstances, so I think this will do. Start feeding Ellery with my basket right in front of me and Kiran inside - this blocks my view from a teenage boy who is sitting right across from me playing some sort of game. He keeps laughing and smiling. Is he smiling about me or about his game? I don't know and I don't care. Sometimes in life, it just doesn't matter! Just then, I get a phone call. It's Jeff. I say, "It's been a crazy day. I am nursing Ellery in Customer Service at Wal-Mart with 3, no 4 video cameras watching!" He laughs . . . hard. He acknowledges my crazy day. Now for the next question. What should we do about tonight? Jeff is leaving work a few minutes early. We are supposed to watch a movie together and have a mini date. But, the shopping isn't done. His work isn't that far away. He will meet me, we'll finish shopping, and go get dinner. Things are going more smoothly now. I get a little shopping done before he arrives. We finish up with no problems. We decide to eat Mellow Mushroom. He'll go order while I do a return to Old Navy, then he'll come back and pick me up. Okay, everything's great. Then, he gets in his car to go get the pizza. I'm almost home and call him. He's just leaving!!! When he went to get the pizza, they couldn't find it and thought it hadn't been made. Turns out, it was sitting there all along without a ticket on it! Then, he decided to stop and get a drink at Walgreens. He grabs Jujyfruits for our movie. He's in the car, opens the package of candy, bites into a quarter-inch thick crust, and realizes the expiration date was December 2005!!!
We eat pizza late, throw the kids in bed, and watch the beginning of a movie. Then, finally make it to bed! Oh my bed feels so good!
Things I learned from or remembered or realized more after this day:
1. Things usually work out fine.
2. Prayer is important!
3. Laugh and smile when I'm having a bad day because it makes a challenging day a lot more fun.
4. Be flexible. On some days, I just have to let go of the 10 things on my list!
5. I love my kids - Kiran is so sweet and kind and willing to help when it really counts (and usually when it doesn't). And, Ellery's sweet personality and patience will help me get through any moment!
6. I have such a supportive husband who is willing to help at the drop of a . . . dirty diaper?!
7. Put those extra clothes in the pouch!
8. Check expiration dates on Walgreens' candy.
A picture of my newly organized bag, that really does work well on most days!
Every family member has his/her own pouch. I love it - I'm goofy that way, just had to share!
What a day-it definitely deserves a blog! And how dare you get organized without sharing where you got your pouches! :)
Oops! That was one of the things I was going to tell you on the phone the other night! (The other was that I love Doak's announcement - we hadn't talked in a long time!) Before I disclosed I wanted to make sure they worked, that I liked the material and everything. I think you and Jeff may have looked at them over Christmas. They are Eagle Creek pack-it sacs. I got 2 medium for the kids and 2 small for Jeff and me. I would have gotten one for toys, too, but we already had something that worked for that. We've enjoyed them a lot! We let Kiran pick his color sac (blue of course). Have fun if you use these. Have you found anything else that works? I went back in and put a link to the site in the blog text.
Ami, what a day you had! Thanks for sharing. You had such a good attitude about it all, which is inspirational. Some days are just going to be that way, aren't they? Would love to get together with you sometime. I am still working part-time - maybe we can meet for lunch or something one day? Hugs!
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