The day after Christmas, we drove to Granna and Grandad's house. First, we went to see one of my (Ami's) best friends from high school, Ashley and her daughter Chaley. I hadn't seen Ashley in years and had never met Chaley. It was great to talk and catch up, and Chaley is just adorable! She and Kiran played with vintage "Little People." We then we to Sal's and had Christmas with her and had lots of fun and a delicious meal! Then, we went to Granna and Grandad's house for more fun. We had Christmas with Ami's parents and Aunt Amanda and Uncle Kurt the next morning. It was so good to be back home. It had been two years since we spent Christmas with family in TX! Ninny, David, Karen, Kirk and Kade came the next day, and we enjoyed visiting with them. Kirk and Kade are so grown up! On Friday, everyone just hung out and rested, and we got breakfast burritos - a must when we are in Ami's hometown! The guys watched hours of a Man vs. Wild marathon! Then, came Kiran's extra special treat on the trip - driving an 18-wheeler with Grandad! We even got in some nature - seeing elk and a beautiful sunset! Every time we go back home, we say the one part of nature we miss from TX is the incredible sunset! On our way back toward TN, we got to see my best friends, Sarah and Amy. We spent a fun day with Sarah shopping and just hanging out. Kiran had fun getting to know her. We ate lunch with Amy and her family with their new baby girl and son who is Kiran's age. It was wonderful to see everyone! Then, back to Natalie and Keri's for one more night before the road home - we stayed up late visiting with them as always, but it is always worth it!
As you'll see, my picture-taking enthusiasm dwindles slightly as the week goes on! I missed lots of family members and friends - oops! At least I got the elk! :)

Ellery is 6 months old and eating her first big girl food other than rice cereal-
mmmmm . . . sweet potatoes!

Captain of the ship - more fun for the Imagination Box!

What a big baby girl!

A Motorcycle!!!

Happy Girl playing on her tummy
and working toward crawling!

Cousin Kirk takes his turn holding our baby girl -
boy does time fly. It feels like only yesterday I was holding
and babysitting Kirk!

Thanks for more yummy sweet potatoes, Granna!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . . . . . . . . we do live in a beautiful world!

Snuggling with Sal!

Whoa, so cool!

A very serious driver!
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