Kiran and Ellery's school had a dinner today to celebrate Thanksgiving. Everyone brought food to share, and it was really nice! What a treat to spend that time together as a family and enjoy time in our children's world for a little while. I think the kids loved us being there. One really sweet moment happened right after Kiran's class came in all decked out in their pilgrim and Native American hats & bonnets & headdresses. Kiran immediately wanted to know where Ms. Jan was. I didn't know that she was going to be able to make it to the event, but he knew and couldn't wait to see her. Ms. Jan, Kiran's teacher, had a heart attack just after the first 6 weeks of school. Kiran has really missed her, and he was delighted to talk with her! She looks great and will be back in the Spring!
We then had fun checking out the place mats Kiran and Ellery had made, which are really sweet and will be lots of fun to use at home now. Kiran ended up wearing his headdress all day, including during a visit to Daddy's office! He loved being Fast Foot!
Then, it was time for lunch! We got everyone's plates and got ready to eat. Well, Kiran has tried to teach Ellery about savoring and waiting for the good stuff, but it hasn't sunk in so far! Ellery could hardly eat a thing as she was eyeing the mound of white icing and sprinkles atop her cupcake dessert! Kiran, on the other hand, has become quite the big eater at our house! He ate every bite of yummy food on his plate before even thinking of touching his cupcake. It's actually really cute how he enjoys his meals and really "savors" every bite, and how he tries to convince Ellery of his ways!
Anyway, it was a special day for us, and we are so thankful Daddy was able to meet us!
1 comment:
What a neat time together for you all! I love that the kids got to invite their family! The pictures are so sweet! We are thankful for you all!
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