So, I've always said I didn't know how I'd be a girls' mom because I really don't do fancy things with hair and wouldn't consider myself up on the latest styles, etc. (Actually, I know they'd be fine either way - I've made it without being fancy all these years!) Well, maybe I'm finally making some progress, and my 2 little girls will have a chance to try some girly ways and decide for themselves what styles suit them best. Here are some photos of my first time braiding Ellery's hair this week. Someone else had put it in french braids recently, and it was just too cute. Plus, I was inspired by having Nat and Addie around for a week! I finally got brave enough to try a new creative side, and I actually had lots of fun! Ellery did great! She is so patient when I work with her hair!
On Sunday, we raked and mowed leaves! The kids had a blast playing in them! So, here are this year's leaf photos.
After fun times in the leaves, both kids were ready to pose for a few fall pictures! It was all very spontaneous which was really fun because I thought they turned out great.
Finally, here is a 25 week belly photo. You can see that our sweet little girl is definitely growing! Last Friday, I went to the doctor and had an ultrasound. Our baby is doing great! She was 1 lb 10 oz. then and is probably around 2 lbs now. She is just the size she needs to be at this stage. She has excellent movements, and everything else looks great, too! I am feeling really well, too!
Great pictures! I love Ellery's braids! Ami you did good and are a wonderful girl mom!
You're a great girl/boy mother! It won't be long before Ellery is telling you how to fix her hair and you won't believe how creative you can be!! You look great! Take care!
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