Adventure #1 Today, the kids and I planned to go grocery shopping. We left home exactly 2 hours later than planned. Just before leaving, everyone pottied, Olivia was diapered, and I almost got everyone back out of the car to ditch the mission completely when I realized it was nap time. Well, we headed out anyway, and luckily, Ellery fell asleep on the way. Kiran was absolutely starving (as he is much of the time these days) before we even left the house, so while Ellery slept, we stopped at Sonic for a mostly unhealthy snack. (Sidenote: if I could open a business now, it would be a healthy fast-food drive-thru for us poor moms out there who'd give anything to avoid one more trip inside a store or restaurant when our list of errands is already crazy long!)
Anyway, we then proceeded to our shopping destination. Of course, Ellery woke up promptly as we arrived and needed to potty again. We planned to head to the bathroom right after a quick stop by Produce. When we walked in the store that is being renovated, we discovered new fun shopping carts. Instead of cars the kids can drive, there were trucks! How exciting! So, I put Olivia in the regular part of the cart with her car seat, and Kiran and Ellery hopped into the "truck." Suddenly, I looked at the cart and realized I had no room for groceries. Then, I had a moment of realization: I had just joined the "2-Cart Shopping Moms Club!" So, my next move was to push our truck cart with 3 happy kiddos and pull our food cart that was presently empty. A little while later, we made it to the potty. By then, we all needed to go to the bathroom. No need for a diaper change yet. We parked our 2 carts outside the bathroom, all hopped out, went to the bathroom, and hopped back in. One hour later with no meltdowns (our kids are doing so awesome shopping these days!) we were walking out the door. Yea! Success!
The following adventures rated NFWS (not for the weak-stomached)! :)
Adventure #2 A week ago, we went on a family outing to get ice cream. We had gift certificates to Baskin Robbins. Well, the closest BR was in a gas station. We ordered our ice cream, the big kids were with me, and we were going to follow Daddy and Olivia out. Next thing I know, I see a big drop of pink (everything including ice cream must be pink :) bubble gum ice cream on the floor. So, as I am asking Ellery to stand still while I . . . TOO LATE! I look down one second later, and the delicious creamy, now disgusting bite of dessert is already in my daughter's belly! :)
Adventure #3 Finally, save the best for last! So, I can truly say that I am relaxed taking these three great kiddos around town. They are so well behaved, and it makes outings incredibly pleasant. (I'm not saying things are perfect all of the time by any means, but overall, we can come and go without fear of total chaos breaking out! I guess I wasn't totally sure what to expect with three, but it has been wonderful so far!) Anyway, back to the story. We took Olivia to the doctor for a light case of pink eye. It was right after school, and after signing in, I realized we needed to take a bathroom break. Well, everyone pottied. When Kiran went #2, a Batman ring fell into the potty! Yikes! What to do?
A. Flush immediately and get out ASAP!
B. Reach in, pull ring out, wash and put back on finger.
C. Reach in, pull ring out, toss ring in trash.
My answer: C (Kiran was happy with this outcome. He willingly gave up the ring. I'm pretty sure he got the germ connection.)
Anyway, needless to say, I was thoroughly grossed out and washed my hands like crazy! Oh boy, these wild and fun adventures!
And now, for a few fun pictures of some other, more "routine" adventures!
1 comment:
sounds like you are having a blast, so glad that you are enjoying being a mommy to 3. they are dolls! are you going to be in texas any time this summer? we will be there in june and again in july. take care. love ya, ashley
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