Ellery took 4 steps today! She was super excited and so were we! Kiran did a great job of cheering her on! She has been standing up from a squatting position then staying there for a few seconds for the past 3 days. And, she has tried to to take a couple of steps before, but crashed. Today, it all came together and off she went.
We can hardly believe that in one week Ellery will be 1 year old! I know this saying is overstated, but, " This year has flown by!" We will be in Colorado for her birthday, so I wanted to share some of Ellery's activities from the past couple of months, and we'll have a birthday blog after we get home.
Things Ellery has been up to:
1. Ellery is famous for her motor noises, now, just like her brother! It is hilarious to hear her "start" the riding toys!
2. Ellery loves climbing - since the last blog where she was walking up the slide, she can now reach the top, but hasn't quite figured out how to turn around when she gets there.
3. She has 4 teeth!
4. Ellery is saying several words! They are not always plain to everyone, but Mommy, Daddy and Kiran can understand most like, "Mom-ma" "Dad-da" "Bub-ba," "Book," "Ball," " Dink" for drink, "Eyes," "Duck," "Bath."
5. When I put lotion on, Ellery puts her hands together and rubs just like she is putting lotion on, too. It is too cute!
6. Ellery loves water! Playing in water is her favorite thing to do outside!
7. Ellery has been walking holding on to walls to go room to room for about a month.
8. Ellery loves putting things around her neck - a real no-no for this age, but definitely makes a statement. She gets purses, ribbons, play necklaces, and puts them around herself with no prompting from us.
9. I just can't say enough how much fun it is to see Ellery and Kiran playing together. They are true buddies, now! And, it is very evident now that they are brother and sister. For as much fun as they have together, they definitely find themselves wanting the toy the other one has. And, Ellery can hold her own vocally regarding these situations!
10. Ellery is so sweet. She loves hugging and giving pats around our necks! And, even though she usually wants to be on the go, she is a great cuddler!
1 comment:
Ami your kids are precious!! How exciting, your little girl is walking. Hope you are well!
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