Ellery is such a sweet girl. She was sick while Daddy was on travel so we went to the doctor and while we were there we got some new stats. As of Feb 28th, she weighed 16 lbs. 3 oz. and was 25 and 3/4 inches. However, it seems that she has gone through a huge growth spurt in the past week so we'll be curious to know how much she's grown at her 9 month appt. And, oh yes, she is feeling much better now.
Ellery has her first 2 teeth! They are super cute! She has started eating little bites of bananas and bread.
Over the past month, she has really started communicating well with us. She said Ba-ba first, then Ki-Ki (for Kiran). She can now say Mm-ma and Da-da. She can say "hi." She can sign "more." Otherwise, she babbles and has a happy baby language that we attempt to interpret. I'm sure she thinks we are very silly! She still growls at us which we all love. Her laugh is so fun! She loves to give us five and kisses!
She has been doing the army crawl, but in the past couple of days she is sort of crawling si

Her favorite things to do are playing with Kiran, carefully checking out new objects, grabbing for new objects (usually something she isn't supposed to have - a favorite is my cell phone), playing in the bathtub, running around to chase Kiran with Momma, and she likes sitting in her highchair at mealtime and snack time.
Tonight, Daddy got out the guitar and played while Momma gave baths. Jeff hadn't played in quite a while. Ellery was mesmerized by it! She got out of the tub first, and Jeff kept playing guitar and watched her while I finished with Kiran. Ellery had figured out how to make music and was picking each string by the time Kiran and I were finished with bath time!

Yea for Spring! It was a gorgeous day today! I took the kids to the park, then Kiran and I danced outside to a Dan Zanes cd while Ellery napped (we played a cd in the car, had the windows rolled down , and the music up loud - we're not ashamed!)! Kiran loves the song, "Malti." Then, the whole family took a nice walk around town. At The Commons, kids were playing soccer, so we stopped to watch, and Kiran played with Baylan for a few minutes. After we walked home, we had a picnic on the deck (grilled PB&Js - yum, and grilled tofu sandwiches and fruit)!
As you can see, Ellery loves her new ride around town!

Ellery loves the chance to grab one of Brother's tools.

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