Our sweet little girl is 2 weeks old today! Wow, these last 14 days have flown! We have all loved welcoming Olivia Faith into our family. Kiran and Ellery are a great big brother and big sister team! They love talking to Olivia! Almost every time Kiran looks at her, he says, "She's just soooooo adorable!" And, Ellery says, "I want to see Baby" or "I want to hold Baby Livia." She can say her name correctly but seems to enjoy this shorter version. We have had such incredible help around here for the past 2 weeks! First, our wonderful friends, Sally and Keith and Hannah took care of Kiran and Ellery while we were at the hospital. Then, Cookie came for a week. Now, Aunt Amanda is here for a week! One of the awesome things about having family here is that I get to sleep in in the mornings after being up for night feedings. Woohoo! I am feeling really good thanks to all the help! Anyway, everyone is up when Olivia and I get up in the mornings, and the first thing the big kids say is "We want to see Olivia!" (Forget about Mommy! Where is our baby sister? It's really sweet! I get my morning hugs one way or another - usually a few tickles is a sure bet :) )
Olivia is such a sweety and is really laidback so far! She maybe has to be with all of the wild activity going on around her! On Monday evening (Day 12), Olivia lost her umbilical cord "stump" (what a name, seriously, and what a milestone - we did not save it in case anyone was wondering)! And, after her late afternoon nap that day, she began really focusing in on our faces! She is doing great at night. Last night and 2 others were exceptions. In my opinion, it was because we changed around the routine that had been working for us. We'll learn from that and fix it quickly tonight! Overall, though, Olivia is amazing at night - she eats, gets changed, eats again, then goes back to sleep for 2 separate night feedings! This lets Mommy and everyone else get rest, too! Thanks, sweet Olivia! Olivia's least favorite thing is getting touched by cold hands (a problem of being born in a colder winter) and bath time (probably because she gets cold again). But, boy does she LOVE her hair washing time - something we learned from the nurse at the hospital who gave Olivia her first bath!
Waking up is hard to do.
The next few photos were all taken on Valentine's Day. We sure have some sweet Valentines!