To start, here are our VERY BIG KIDS in their first week of school. They are both attending a Parent's Day Out program at a local church. Kiran is in the Pre-K class with Ms. Jan and Ms. Gail, and attending 2 days a week. Ellery is in class one day a week with Ms. Susie and Ms. Melinda. This is a new school for Kiran, and it is Ellery's first time in a class setting. Both kids LOVED school this week and adjusted very well and they loved their backpacks and lunchboxes!
Here is Kiran on Tuesday! Notice the Superman lunchbox! He was very excited about that! I am amazed at the difference three months can make even with coloring. Kiran is so excited to show us his school work each day, and he is doing great work along with having fun. After his first day, I had to say, "Now please don't tell me about your teachers, please don't tell me about your new friends, stories, playtime, etc." just to get a little info out of my stinker who was being quiet with a little smirk. He finally gave me a little insight into his fun day. Then, he said, "Mom, since I was so brave, can we go get a treat?" So of course we went to our favorite place to get drinks and he got a tasty slush and being such a sweet brother, shared with Ellery. Here he is on his first day.
This is how I found him when I arrived at school. He had found a new book that he loved and wanted to tell me all about it.
This is a picture of Ellery on Kiran's first day and our first "Girls' Day" together!
And, here is a picture of Ellery on her first day, today! Every time when Kiran was asked about going to school by a friend or stranger, Ellery would pipe up and say, "I'm going to school on Tuesday!" She meant Thurs., but it was super cute! She got a fun report card today that said she played well with friends, ate most of her lunch, that she rested and that she had a great day overall!
The kids love posing for pictures together! I try and take advantage of it, knowing that one day, I might not get so lucky taking brother/sister shots.
Okay, here is a fun little surprise! I got to see our sweet new baby again today! I will be having more ultrasounds than ususal due to complications I seem to have during labor/delivery. I will be having an early, planned c-section this time which should take care of the problem, but my doctor is being extra cautious just to take all preventive measures. I have a wonderful doctor and am so grateful for her! In addition to being incredibly knowledgeable and skilled, she is also kind, down-to-earth, and something we have in common this time around is that she is pregnant, too!
Our baby is so adorable already! Jeff and I cannot believe how much the baby has changed in 4 weeks and looks like a real baby now! :) The best part for me was seeing the crazy moves Baby B. #3 is doing in there! Baby must have learned a lot during Kiran and Ellery's swim lessons because he/she has mastered the Superman Launch (pushing hard off the bottom of my uterus, moving fast to the top, floating back down and then doing the whole thing over and over again)! It was sooo cool - apparently, babies move around so much more at this time because they have the room to do so, but I wasn't envisioning all-out acrobatics! I also got to see Baby taking drinks - who knew? I guess I've read about what they are doing, but to see it makes it much more real somehow! So, here is this little guy or gal!
The kids are so sweet about the baby! Ellery is always asking, "Mommy, where's your baby?" Then says, "I'll kiss the baby!" Or, "Mommy, baby's in your belly!? It's coming to see me!" Of course, the whole 9 months thing is really getting long! Kiran is so sweet too, loves kissing my belly and talking about have more people in our family - he loves this idea and actually counted to 20 kids when asked if he would like having a brother or sister. To clarify, we will not be having 20 kids!
Here I am at 12 1/2 weeks! My goodness, time flies! I definitely have a pooch - I guess what they say is true about getting bigger earlier with later babies.
Blogs have certainly been few and far between! I have so many summer photos to share one of these days, but we have been a little busy with selling our house (YES, WE ARE MOVING - not far, just a couple streets over!), buying a new one, thinking about packing and all of the other details of moving. I found out that I was pregnant while the kids and I were in TX - talk about keeping a secret! I didn't feel too much different then, though looking back I was pretty tired the 2nd week there. When I got home, though, I definitely started having more symptoms including all-day nausea (eating constantly helped) and crazy fatigue! I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat - it was actually pretty hilarious! The kids certainly got an extra dose of tv during those 3-4 weeks. I am happy to say I've been nausea-free for about 2 weeks and have had almost normal energy all day for 3 days! I had forgotten how it felt!
A random moment from today: Here are the kids digging, actually "digging to get the people out of the mine!" Not sure where that came from but so fun to hear their little imaginations running!
Thankfully, we (mostly Jeff and Bud) haven't had to do tons of work to have our house ready for the buyers. But, we've had a few projects here and there: putting a bead board ceiling in the bathroom, putting a new light fixture in the bathroom, laying flooring in the 2 bedrooms and installing trim, and just some general clean-up around the property. In the photo, you'll see a tool we've aquired in the last year, but we do have a couple of New Tools: an air compressor and (according to Jeff) a 16-gauge finishing nailer, 18-gauge brad nailer, and a narrow crown staple gun! I don't totally get it, but apparently air-powered ejection of metal is a male rite of passage! :)
Seriously, though, we have made huge progress toward finishing our to-do list on the house thanks to much help from our friend, Bud. He is so skilled with all things carpentry, and he is always willing to lend a hand. We are very grateful to him.
We are also incredibly grateful to Cookie for her help in getting our house ready to sell. She was here for a week and did so much work - she cleaned all of the windows, did a crazy good cleaning in our bathroom, and worked on several other projects. She also took care of the kids so that we could work. (Later, Jeff reminded me that Cookie came so he could work and I could sleep. Hey, I did work really hard at least one day! :) We had such a fun time with her and got a lot done, too! (More on this later!) Thank you, Debby, for everything!