Kiran had such a fun time at his party! His Super Friends were really super, and they all pitched in to save the day! Here is the text from his invitation:
Calling all SUPER Friends! You are
urgently needed for a Birthday Bash!
Come join us for a
Super Hero Training Camp to Celebrate
Kiran’s 4th Birthday!
Training begins at
4:00 on Mon. March 23rd (actually we had to change it to Tues.)
at Kiran’s Fortress
Feel free to come as
your Super or your Secret Identity!
Please notify the Command Center
of your attendance
We had a spectacular group of Super Friends in attendance including Batman and Robin, Spiderman, Wonder Dog, and a host of other Supers! And, of course, the Birthday Boy Superman!
The Super Friends did great at their training tests including:
1. Strength
2. Speed
3. Super Power
4. Teamwork
With his new Hawks' hat from Uncle Keri, Aunt Nat, Addie and Doak and with Batman and Spiderman from Sister!
Go Hawks!