We wanted to share a few things we've been writing down about our little guy. He will be 4 years old in one month, and he has had a major developmental growth spurt in the past couple of months. We just couldn't wait until he turns 4 to tell about everything he's been up to!
The biggest news about Kiran is that he has learned to write his name! A month ago, he wrote his name by watching me write it on an easel and copying my movements. Now, he's got his name down well, and he can write many letters and loves to write words and family names as we spell them out for him. He is learning sounds that letters make. Kiran recognizes most of his first numbers.
These days Kiran loves doing big physical movements. I am so glad he is in a sports skills/gymnastics class so that he can get some of his jumping and spinning out in a "padded room" one night each week! For these pictures, family got to go in and see all the kids had learned through the Aug-Jan season. It was really fun, and Kiran did such a great job! They said Kiran was "most improved" of his class! After the first week of class, Kiran had a hard time going in for a while, and I would go with him. Slowly but surely he gained courage, and now, he is a champ! He runs right in and is so excited about it! We are very proud of him for being so brave and learning to overcome his fears!

Kiran still really enjoys school! Here is a picture of the bird feeder he made there recently. He has become quite socialable in the past few months and looks forward to seeing all of his friends and teachers. He loves show and tell on Tuesdays! We have fun thinking about what he will take each week.
He loves to teach Ellery new things: "Ellery, come try it!" She immediately says, "Okay!" and runs right over to participate. Kiran enjoys singing more than ever. He says he would like a small puppy, and he has asked when we will have another tiny baby at our house (no comments or questions, please! ;) He plays well with friends who are both younger, same age, and older than him. He is getting better and better at using his imagination.
He is beginning to take his plate to the sink without prompting after a meal and is beginning to help clean more cheerfully. This is a picture of him taking the garbage out by himself! He got one bag all the way in the trash can by himself and asked for help with the second one because it was too heavy!

He loves to run as fast as he can and say, "I'm running as fast as Dash!" (from The Incredibles) If you'll remember, Kiran used to only want to wear boots and jeans, but his preferred wardrobe is open to change these days. He likes to wear "nice" clothes for going out, "dirty" clothes for working, and "sports" clothes for sport activities. He also loves wearing his pajama bottoms all day because they are comfy! He loves wearing his hat, hoodie, and gloves.
One of my favorite things that started just before we left for our December time in TX is when Kiran wakes up in the morning and the first thing we hear from the gate at the top of the stairs is, "I like to move it, move it!" It cracks me up every time! Kiran likes to watch more TV and movies. He loves music. Kiran still likes his thumb and Momma's hair when he is sleepy. He has an excellent memory and just asked some specifics about his birthday party from last year.
I love how Kiran loves his sister. He will say, "Ellery, go under the bridge!" She says a quick, "Okay!" and crawls right through/under his legs. It's really cute!

A few sweet and fun things Kiran has said lately:
The other day, I was looking for a pair of Kiran's favorite socks. He had taken them off and we were about to leave to go to school. I was searching in his room while he put his clothes on, and when he came in, he said, "Mom, you're looking everywhere for my socks! Thank you!" Oh, the things that make a mom's heart melt.
Earlier this month, Kiran just looked at me one day and said with this huge smile, "Mom, when we get old and go to be with God, we will get to see Sunshine!"
One day I thought Kiran had eaten a whole lot of oatmeal for breakfast, but he was still asking for more. I said, "Kiran, ask your tummy, 'Are you full?'" Kiran's response: "I think I heard a 'no'!" Where he gets some of his clever phrases we'll never know!
On Feb. 9th, we all sat down to eat dinner, and we asked who wanted to pray. Kiran began singing a prayer he learned from his school last year. Then, he said "I want to say a prayer like you but I don't know how." We told him to just say "dear God" then to say whatever he was thankful for. This was his prayer: "Dear God, thank you for Grandad's tractors, for healthy food, for learning to write my name, for healthy food. Amen."
Yes, it's the middle of winter, and Kiran ran out the door with his "boxers" on! This kid does not like to be hot, so he loves wearing short sleeves and shorts.
1st photo on this entry is by Chera