You love the "Moon and Tars!" You are so excited anytime you see the moon, and you love finding it in books. You will say "Moon" over and over again when you see it. The first couple of weeks this year, you were into "Goodnight Moon" big time!

1. "Oh!" when we talk to you or tell you something. You always say this at an appropriate time as if you know exactly what we are saying and you are acknowledging our explanation. We think you are really smart!
2. "Sign" when you give the "I love you" sign.
3. "Okay" when brother says, "Go under the bridge!" (you say okay and crawl right under his legs)
4. "My turn" anytime you and brother want the same thing. Exactly one week ago, you said, "Close it, computer (actually, "booger" is how it comes out), my turn!" You are also saying, "First" since you know that this is what Kiran says to get what he wants before you.
5. "Forsie" anytime you see a horse or just before checking out at Wal-Mart since I let you and Kiran ride the horse and motorcycles one time as a reward. Now, we usually ride the rides (without coins) then pour on the hand sanitizer in the car!
6. "Kien" (for Kiran) - You started this just after Christmas, and it is so sweet! Kiran loves it when you say his name.
7. "Cool" (for Kiran's school) - You love going there to see all of the big kids and to show off your shoes (actually, you do this everywhere now). You always hold up your purple crocs or pink boots so that Miss Angela and Miss Michelle will compliment you on them! They love it!
8. "Water" - you shout this out over and over when we drive by the river until we acknowledge that we heard you. Sometimes, it takes us a minute to remember and sometimes our first reaction is that you want something to drink.
9. "Ready, Set, Go!" when you and Kiran are running around the house or outside.
10. "Tinkle!" for "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" (your favorite bedtime song)
You are saying 3 word sentences occasionally!
You have been asking to go potty and many times you are able to accomplish this task.
You love dancing to music.
You can't seem to keep your fingers off the laptop!
You are ALWAYS up early! Your inner clock will not let you sleep a minute past 7:00, and usually, you are up by 6:15 or 6:30.
You love singing.
You like puppies a lot! You also like stuffed animal puppies for bedtime. Often, when we get you out of bed, you are still a little sleepy and grumpy. The first thing you say is "Puppy, Blanket!" We take them with us downstairs for you to wake up.
You still play with your belly button (sometimes we think it's for comfort, but mostly it seems to be fun).
When given 2 choices, you always say the last word we say. If we ask, "Do you want pink or blue (bows, for example), you would say "blue." But, if asked the other way you'd say pink. We've given you some pretty goofy choices to check this out, and your answers make us crack up!
You love to count, especially for Hide-N-Seek. You've been counting 8, 9, 10 since before Christmas, and now you can say most numbers to 10!
You are drawing circles. You love to drag stuff out of our craft shelves (pipe cleaners, etc.) You especially love crayons and drawing on your easel.
You love riding Rody, pushing your stroller and cart, playing in the kitchen, playing pretend with phone calls, doing anything Kiran is doing, taking care of your baby, getting your coat on to go outside (and always emphasize, "Hood" to make sure we get that on too), being silly with Kiran
You love brushing your teeth and always have. Now, you have a new trick - spitting! You love spitting next to brother. The other night was priceless watching the two of you go at it and giggling at each other the whole time!

You are very sensitive and caring toward others. Yesterday, Kiran said "Ouch" after he had hurt himself a little. You reached over and patted him, then held your hand out and said "Hep you."
We just had your 18 months doctor appointment on Thursday, Jan. 29th, because you needed a shot that we had to wait for and because you have been sick with an ear infection. You did such a great job at the doctor's office the past 2 times! You used to get so upset upon walking into the room and especially upon seeing a nurse. But, you barely even cried for your shots the other day, and you had a great time getting so much attention from the nurse and doctor. You LOVED your "saur" and circus band-aids! I have to post some photos I took from my new iPhone (some day this will date Mommy, but for now, I'm in the technologically cool crowd, I think, after getting a hand-me-down from Daddy). I am not, however, in the cool geek crowd because I don't know how to get to them downloaded until Daddy gets home! :) You are very healthy! You weigh 21 lbs and 6.5 oz. (around 10-20% on the charts). You are 32" tall (exactly 50% on the charts).
We love you for everything that makes you, you! And, we are so grateful to be your parents. We look forward to these months leading up to your 2nd birthday to see how you grow and change even more!