Kiran started his first day of preschool on August 12th. That is when these pictures were taken. After his first day, he missed a couple of weeks when we went to TX, but he picked up right where he left off - having a blast! When we were headed to school last Tuesday, he said he wanted me to stay, but after he got there, he warmed up quickly! His teachers said, "We're glad you're back, Kiran!," and he replied in his grown-up voice (it's really deep, low, and slow), "I've been to TX. I rode a real tractor!" Then, he took off for the toys! Then, on Thursday, one of his teachers called around noon. My mind thought of about 10 things that could be wrong within a second, but I wasn't prepared for: "Our potties aren't working. Can you come pick Kiran up?" Oh boy! It was fun to go early, though. I got to sneak up on Kiran and observe him being such a big boy picking up all of his trash from lunch and throwing it away. Then, he cleaned the table.
This is our other "preschooler." She loves wearing any kind of bag and was happy to model Kiran's backpack! Ellery loves taking Kiran to school. The problem: she wants to stay, too! In the past week, Ellery has really started talking more, and today was by far her biggest leap with her vocabulary. She said about 10 new words! She is getting the hang of this talking thing! Another sweet story: Ellery has enjoyed climbing up on Kiran's toddler-sized bed for a couple of months. Since we've been home, her new thing is to get up on his pillow with a book and look at it from cover to cover. Well, today I was doing laundry (the laundry room is like a closet in the kids' bedroom), and I noticed Ellery was trying to lie down on Kiran's bed. I thought, boy she is sleepy! The next thing I knew, she pulled up his 2 blankets over herself and said, "night, night!" It became quite a fun game!