Not everyone knows this about me, but I
love to
rock! Not rock n' roll but actually sit in a rocker and rock. I've loved it since I was a baby apparently, and when I got to be about 2 or 3 years old, I would rock myself to sleep singing (usually "Amazing Grace"). Well, since I left home at 18, I really haven't had a device for rocking. For two years in college, Sarah had a rocker recliner and I always enjoyed a few minutes each day relaxing there. But, overall, I've been deprived of rocking for many years now. Well, last year for my birthday I got a 2-seater rocker for our deck, and that has been incredible for just enjoying our backyard. It has been a nice escape for me a few times. But, I couldn't ever quite get over the need for an indoor rocker. The glider we bought when Kiran was born is great, but let me assure you from a true rocker's standpoint that gliding is NOT rocking! Well, I've been wanting to go to an annual antique festival that happens in the town next door to us for several years. It seems that every year something has been happening during that time. I chose not to go to the whole event again yesterday, but I did get a quick peek at it for a few moments. And, in that time, I found what my heart has been longing for - the perfect rocking chair! It even matches my living room furniture! I can't tell you how excited I was when I saw it. It was like it was there waiting just for me. I can't stop talking about it every time I walk into the living room. And, I haven't sat anywhere else since I bought it. I got a great deal on it, too, by the way. When I sat down in it at home, I could feel the tension in my body melt away, and for a moment felt a little heaven on earth!