Sunday, December 16, 2007

We're still around!

In case anyone is wondering about our blog, we are super busy right now getting ready to see many of you! We are excited about coming to TX soon, but we just haven't had time to sit down and post! We've been to Kiran's Christmas program, preparing for and having our own family Christmas, preparing for Christmas in TX, and participating in lots of other activites. I'll post some pictures this week if I have any extra time with packing, but I need some sleep tonight. Also, for an update on Lois, she has been doing well in a nursing home with rehab for a few weeks now, but yesterday she went back in the hospital and is not doing well. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ellery is 5 Months Old!

Time is flying! What a big girl we have! According to our scales, she is about 14 1/2 lbs and is outgrowing her 6 month clothes. She is very sweet but also very spunky! Originally, Ellery seemed to be an observer of others, very quiet and to herself. She still loves watching people, her favorites being Kiran and Daddy. But, she has also figured out that it is fun to be part of the action. She loves to cough to get our attention. She just starts laughing at what we do or say sometimes. She was laughing every time Kiran and I kicked the soccer ball the other day. Ellery is strong and really wants to be sitting up all of the time. She does a great job of pulling herself part way up to a sitting position. She can now sit on the floor using her hands to hold her up, with us there to spot her, of course. Ellery has seemed interested in food for a while now, so two nights ago, we decided to try rice cereal. She made a "what is this?" face at first and didn't seem too excited. But, last night we gave her a little more and she did pretty well with it.

Tonight, Daddy was holding Ellery, and as he was turning her to hand her to me, she reached out for me! I love it! She loves the new song Daddy wrote for her called, "Bicycle." It's actually really cool - we all find ourselves singing it around the house. Ellery will listen so intently and watch every word come out as we sing with the sweetest smile on her face.

Ellery still loves pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo. She blows bubbles and razzes. She can grab things faster than lightning, so we will have to be extra careful with Kiran's toys when she starts crawling! She takes after her big brother in that she likes sucking her fingers (not just her right thumb anymore) and playing with my hair. The difference in Kiran and Ellery, though, is that her hair playing is much more like a grab and yank action - it will be a miracle if I have any hair left after she gets through this stage! We love our little Ellery and are amazed by her everyday!

Sporting her Fuzzi Bunz!

Our Thanksgiving Turkey!

For Thanksgiving, we attempted a baking project with Kiran, making Rice Krispie Treat turkeys. Everything went pretty well until decorating with candy corn began. Kiran just couldn't resist the candy corn. Yuck! (in my opinion). Anyway, we decided to take pictures of our result and every time Jeff tried to capture the moment, the beak would disappear! Here is a series of photos of our little thief, mom's attempts to keep the turkey away from him, and ultimately, his success!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful day! Here are some pics from our day at home with family. We had a really nice and relaxing time just hanging out, cooking a yummy meal, and lots of playing. We got to see Lois late this afternoon and then some friends invited us over for desserts and games. On this day of thanksgiving, we are especially grateful for wonderful family and friends.

We got the activity center out of "the office" today for Ellery (a great feat in itself for those of you who know about the office). Kiran loved helping Daddy put it together again. Then, he showed Ellery how to play with it. She enjoyed checking out her new toy today for the first time. She knew just what to do with several of the activity pieces. I couldn't help but think about Kiran's first time in it and how fast he is growing up. Ellery is quite the poser in case you haven't noticed!

Kiran loves playing on the couch these days. His favorite thing is to rearrange all of the cushions to build a house or cave, still with the old red hammer, of course!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Playing Inside!

Ellery likes Tummy Time now and loves playing with toys!

Ellery really admires Big Brother and one day,
she couldn't keep from cooing at him and touching him.
It was so sweet, and Kiran loved it!

Off and on for a few weeks we've had the chance to practice playing inside for the coming winter months because it's been chilly. Kiran has spent most of the last 6 months of his life outside during the daytime. So, it is a change. But, we are having fun and getting more creative with play. Here, Ellery is getting a lesson about cars!
Drumming with pots and pans! Even Ellery played for a minute!

Ellery on her playmat

Kiran playing in the cave - our closet with lights out!

Our Little Girl is Stylin'!

We got wonderful news last week at Ellery's appointment. Her adrenal gland hemorrhage has decreased significantly! I could see her whole kidney on the ultrasound! We really believed that she was going to be fine, but it was a great feeling to get that confirmed. I'll talk more with her pediatrician specifically about her adrenal gland functioning at her 6-month appointment, but what we see so far is excellent! In this time of Thanksgiving, we are especially thankful for our little girl's health.

Well, here she is! Finally enough hair for accessories! Thanks Aunt Nat for the great bows!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


We had a wonderful time in TX visiting family! Kiran, Ellery, and I (Ami) spent a few days in Lamesa and Abilene. It was great to see everyone. And, I realized we hadn't been "home" in 2 years. We have met family in Dallas and Oklahoma, and of course family has come to TN, but it was so nice to feel the comforts of our parents' houses and the familiarity of our home towns. It definitely made me miss being close to friends and family. It seems now that Jeff and I miss home more when we go home than when we have a long stretch in TN. I guess we just realize what we are missing. Anyway, I say that with a grateful heart to have had the opportunity to go home and also to come back to our other wonderful home, Tennessee.

I don't have pictures of Tennessee to share because I decided not to take our big camera through the airport with 2 kids. Other family took pics and I have some on a throw-away camera. I'll try to get some pics from family up later under photos.

Some of Kiran's favorite experiences in TX:
1. Time with Grandad on the farm: working on the tractor and in the garden with his new work gloves, seeing cotton strippers, learning about cotton, just playing around outside, riding the tractor
2. Playing hide-and-seek with cousin Addie, Papa, and Cookie
3. Playing with Mommy's old toys with Granna: Little People airport, tractors, log cabin
4. Playing in Cookie's classroom
5. Fun bath times - everybody took turns giving baths!
6. Playing with Aunt Amanda and Uncle Kurt
7. Playing cars at Sal's house
8. Meeting and playing with his cousins in Lamesa
9. Playing in Cookie and Papa's backyard with Addie and Aunt Natalie

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween Fun

We had a blast this year. Kiran went as a Firefighter (Thanks Ma!) and Ellery went as a Penguin. We started out at the Middle School for a picture and parade to the fire station. From there we hit a few friends' houses. Ellery didn't last too long but Kiran had a great time!

Ellery at 4 months

Our sweet little girl is 4 months old. She went to the doctor last Friday and weighed 13 lbs. 7 oz. and was 25" long. She got her 4-month shots, and her doctor said she is very healthy! She will have a final ultrasound on her adrenal gland on November 12th. We are so thankful for our happy little girl.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Cookie and Papa Here!

Cookie and Papa came to visit for a few days. We had a great time with them. We played outside, did a little fun shopping, went to a petting zoo, had a picnic lunch, and just had fun at the house. Kiran had a blast, and Ellery got some good snuggle time!

We took some family photos a couple of times, but we have plenty of candid shots, too. I will try to get those linked to the photo section tomorrow.

Guess who Kiran's favorite animal was at the zoo!

Happy Birthday, Lois!

Our precious friend and neighbor, Lois, had her 80th birthday today. Unfortunately, she is spending it in the hospital. Lois and Kiran have a very special relationship. Lois calls Kiran her "little buddy." Kiran has really missed Lois, and we look at her porch every day waiting for her to come home so we can go over and visit. Kiran gave me a long-distance hug and kiss to send to Lois when I went up to see her in the hospital this evening. We weren't able to celebrate with her today but wanted to somehow recognize this special day. We ask that if you read this you lift up a prayer for her. She is a beautiful person who brings joy to so many people. We "wuv" you, Lois!

At Last - A Treasure Found!

We have been looking for a drum for Kiran and finally found one the other night. He was so excited! It is wonderful to share the gift of music with our family.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Fun Fall Playtime at the Pumpkin Patch!

Our MOPS group went to a pumpkin patch last week. We had a blast! Kiran especially enjoyed the hayride because he got to sit up at the front right behind the tractor!

2 Little Monkeys!

Kiran is starting to enjoy sharing toys with Ellery and asking to hold her more. The other morning they had on their monkey pjs from Cookie and Papa and were "hanging out" as Kiran would say, in Kiran's bed. Then, Kiran decided to read a book to her. It is so much fun seeing them have fun together!

Daddy's Home!

Ellery has been really getting excited when she hears Daddy's voice lately. The other day she was in her carseat by the door when Daddy came home from work. He said, "Hey, Ellie Belly!" and she turned and looked up at him and was thrilled to see him.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Happy Fall and Halloween Preview

Kiran got a special UPS package yesterday that had his Halloween costume from Ma inside. He was super excited and has wanted to wear it as much as possible! As soon as he put the coat on yesterday, he started singing, "When I grow up I know what I want to be, a firefighter, that's me" from his Barney DVD. Then today when he put it on he sang, "Hurry, hurry put your coat on, hurry hurry put your boots on, . . ." also from Barney. How much fun! Oh by the way, his good buddy down the street will be a dalmatian (not planned). Thanks, Ma for helping make a little boy very happy!